Text Editor

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Text Editor is a full-featured text & code editor add-on for your browser.

This add-on has plenty of options to adjust and is built on top of the famous CodeMirror open-source JavaScript library (https://codemirror.net/). Once you open the add-on for the first time, you will see a sidebar at the left and an empty text editor at the right. The left sidebar includes file I/O buttons. For example, a button to open file(s) or settings. There is also a right sidebar that includes all the options for this app.

Note 1: This extension uses the new file system access API (https://web.dev/file-system-access/) to open and save files to disk. But, if your browser does not support this new API, it uses the - downloads - API instead to save files to disk in the default download folder (asks for downloads permission when opening the interface).

Note 2: Currently, Text Editor supports three key-maps for famous text editors (i.e. sublime). Moreover, it supports more than 100 coding languages (i.e. JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc.)

If you have a feature request or found a bug to report, please fill the bug report form in the add-on's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/text-editor.html).