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Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

URL and Title Copier

109 users

page title than url page reflected https://github.com/rumrais1n/u https://github.com/rumrais1n/u ------------------------------------------------------ icense version of page feature is copier" rlandtitlecopier/blob/master/l title url ■ライセンス fixed 現在の設定内容がオプション画面に反映されない問題の修正 https://github.com/rumrais1n/u option bug release between mit a see removed settings extention license added. rlandtitlecopier/releases difference · are are option extention. are ------------------------------------------------------ "copy clipboard". current remodeling a the some that mit ■license clipboard」のバグ修正・機能追加版。 - fixed and even · ■release rlandtitlecopier/releases information - copying https://github.com/rumrais1n/u on オプション画面で"string"以外の設定にしても反映されない問題の修正 ------------------------------------------------------ not rumrais1n/urlandtitlecopier shorten rlandtitlecopier/blob/master/l and bug clipboard" the releases added タイトルのみをコピーする機能の追加 rumrais1n/urlandtitlecopier license chrome title to about fixed - is ■about chrome拡張「copy is features ------------------------------------------------------ feature about 本家との差分は下記の通りです。 url is a releases - goo.glでのurl短縮機能の削除 - some reflected not to other to ■概要 and リリース情報についてはgithubをご覧ください。 icense info setting - "string" github bugs - below: if - ■リリース情報 title title on which is "copy is url to "url