
366 users
Unicorn Ultrafly .100 Red Royal Flush Dart Flights Plus
EVGA 06G-P4-1068-KR Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super SC Ultra Gaming 6GB GDDR6 Graphics Card
Beurer Hk37 Heat to Go Snood with Powerbank
National Geographic Readers: Kamala Harris (Level 2) [Book]
Las verdades que sostenemos: (Edici�n para lectores j�venes) [Book]
Nard Anointing Oil from Israel, Bulk Set of 6 1/4 oz Bottles

Would you want someone following you around your home, grocery store, work, friend's house, local bar and anywhere else you fancy going?

That's exactly what's happening right now on the web when you are casually sipping a cup of coffee or wine or just warm milk and surfing the web - someone is watching your steps - without your permission. We want to fix that.

UntrackMe is:
- simply removing tracking information from URLs
- For e.g. removing "?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_facebook&utm_source=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow" from "http://lifehacker.com/nine-simple-tips-for-improving-your-table-manners-at-fa-1782221528?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_facebook&utm_source=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow"

UntrackMe is not:
- ad blocking tool
- tracking or storing your data
- a heavy appication that will slow down your browser

Try on this URL: http://lifehacker.com/nine-sim ple-tips-for-improving-your-ta ble-manners-at-fa-1782221528?u tm_campaign=socialflow_lifehac ker_facebook&utm_source=li fehacker_facebook&utm_medi um=socialflow

This is just the first step in helping free us from the unfettered access data brokers have to us and our data. We will come out with other ways of doing this.

Have a suggestion? Reach out to us at: doyouhavemypermission@gmail.com

BTW you can write it as Untrack Me or UntrackMe