WaniKani Companion

951 users
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WaniKani Companion is the fastest way to access to your favorite Japanese learning app.

## Features

* Profile overview: see your profile summary at a glance (name,, level, lessons, reviews, upcoming reviews countdown, and SRS progression).
* Badge notifications: be notified of your available lessons and reviews on the extension's icon.
* Desktop notifications: be notified of your lessons and reviews directly on your desktop.
* Chrome sync integration: the user settings are saved across all your Chrome's instances.
* WaniKani website integration: display all of WaniKani directly from the extension tab (dashboard, lessons, reviews...).
* User scripts improvements (extension + standalone HTTPS WaniKani website): the "item info" panel is auto-expanded on reviews et lessons quizzes.

/!\ This app is integrating a frame of the official HTTPS WaniKani website (https://www.wanikani.com); Using another WaniKani extension at the same time may affect your experience.

## Notice

All sources are available on GitHub: https://github.com/naei/wanika ni-companion
The artistic content (app icons, default avatar, loading screen, and SRS progression icons) and https://www.wanikani.com are the property of Tofugu LLC.

Thanks to WaniKani staff and contributors for their amazing work!