WaniKani Kanji Highlighter

692 users
Basic Instagram Story Stickers | Starter Set
Custom Branding Set For Facebook, Facebook Business Page Design, Facebook Cover Photo, FB Profile Photo, Facebook Profile Picture, Marketing
Little People Lot Random People And Animals
Google Nest Hub Smart Display with Google Assistant - Chalk
MAGICYOYO N8 Unresponsive Yoyo, Dare to Do Professional Yoyo Aluminum Metal Yoyo Spin Yoyo for Kids Advanced Yoyo Players + Yoyo Glove + Yoyo
Kamala Harris Tim Walz Bumper Sticker

Complement your kanji studying on WaniKani with every kanji you learned so far being highlighted everytime it shows up on any web page.
By hovering over any highlighted kanji, you will get a popup with detailed information (provided by WaniKani) about that kanji.
Browse through all kanji and vocabulary provided by WaniKani through the SearchBar in the extension Popup.
Get information about your lessons, reviews and future reviews!

WaniKani Forum: https://community.wanikani.com /t/chrome-extension-wanikani-k anji-highlighter-2021/50455