WebExtension for TouchpadGestures Advanced

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This Application was created to work with TouchpadGestures Advanced. To use this extension, you have to install TouchpadGestures Advanced software to your PC locally.

https://github.com/kamektx/Tou chpadGestures_Advanced

# What is TouchpadGestures Advanced?
This Application was created to extend the multi-fingered gesture experience of your Precision Touchpad.
The standard feature of Windows 10 allows users to switch foreground windows by sliding your touchpad with three-fingers to the right. This application also allows users to switch tabs within a window with similar touchpad gestures.

# What can this application do?
- You can type Ctrl (+ Shift) + Tab by stroking the touchpad up and down with 3 fingers.
- With WebExtension(https://github.com/kamektx/WebExtensions_for_TGA), you can switch tabs by pop-up windows.

# How to Use?
- This application is for Windows 10 or above.
- Download the installer in Releases page.
- Unzip the installer's zip.
- Run "setup.exe".
- Change your default touchpad gesture settings on Windows; Press start button, Go to Settings, Open "Devices", Select "Touchpad" tab, Click "Advanced gesture configuration" button, In "Configure your three finger gestures" paragraph, Set "Up" and "Down" to "Nothing". To set "Right" to "Switch apps" is recommended.
- Install WebExtension for TGA.