YouTube Blacklist

303 users
Paris 2024 Paralympics Mascot Welcome Pin Badge
Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry
Seagate STHP4000400 Backup Plus 4 TB Portable USB 3.0 Black Hard Drive External
DMC stranded 3843 pool six strands
Arlington Industries 3/4 in. 90-Degree NMLT Push Connector NMLT907-1
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8 GB

Hide specific channels or videos from YouTube search results.

In YouTube search results, you can hide a channel or video from the search results by clicking the menu icon to the right of the channel or video you don't want to see and then "Hide this channel" or "Hide this video" menu.

Hidden channels or videos can be viewed and removed from the options page of the extension.

Change Log:
- 0.3.0
  - Options page improvements.
- 0.2.0
  - Channels or videos registered on the blacklist are hidden from the YouTube main page.