
34 users
Acurite 5-in-1 Weather Station | Academy Sports & Outdoors
Fisher-Price Little People Sarah Lynn's Camping Adventure Poseable Dolls
Matthew Perry Friends, Lovers, And The Big Terrible Thing Hardcover Book 2022 - Books | Color: Blue
125 Classic YoYo
1 set design your own dart flights and matching stems
Men's Fanatics Black U.S. Paralympics Waves in Paris T-Shirt Size: Small

An extension that formats JSON sent as plain text as a part of the request body inside <body> and <pre> DOM tags of a particular browser tab.

1. Free
2. Secure : Runs only on your browser; doesn't share any info outside.
3. Fast
4. Easy to install & easy to use.

1. Inconsistent updates.
2. Strict formatting.
3. Design Issues.

Install and enjoy hassle free JSON formatting!!