take Me there (tMt)
39 users
Version: 0.01.025
Updated: August 7, 2020

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take Me there (tMt)
Quickly locate and jump to text noted within text snippets provided in Google Search results.
take Me there (tMt) places (tMt) links within Google Search results which enables users to quickly open and auto-scroll to the snippet of text within web pages of interest.
In some cases, the snippet of text Google provides may no longer be available or is text in a hidden meta-tag within the html of the target web page. In both cases tMt will locate and bring you to the closest match and will indicate how close a match the found text is to the desired text. No longer do you need to try and find text that Google is suggesting is in the article but isn’t. If no close match can be found tMt will leave you at the top of the target website.
tMt improves the efficiency of locating specific information identified by Google searches.
tMt works within Chrome as well as the Chromium version of MSFT’s Edge web browser version 80 and later.
Experience an issue, please email us at Feedback.spfll@gmail.com. In the email, describe what the issue is and if possible, Include the URL of your Google search from the URL address bar and a screenshot of the issue you experienced. Also feel free to forward any suggestions you may have as to how tMt can be improved.
Quickly locate and jump to text noted within text snippets provided in Google Search results.
take Me there (tMt) places (tMt) links within Google Search results which enables users to quickly open and auto-scroll to the snippet of text within web pages of interest.
In some cases, the snippet of text Google provides may no longer be available or is text in a hidden meta-tag within the html of the target web page. In both cases tMt will locate and bring you to the closest match and will indicate how close a match the found text is to the desired text. No longer do you need to try and find text that Google is suggesting is in the article but isn’t. If no close match can be found tMt will leave you at the top of the target website.
tMt improves the efficiency of locating specific information identified by Google searches.
tMt works within Chrome as well as the Chromium version of MSFT’s Edge web browser version 80 and later.
Experience an issue, please email us at Feedback.spfll@gmail.com. In the email, describe what the issue is and if possible, Include the URL of your Google search from the URL address bar and a screenshot of the issue you experienced. Also feel free to forward any suggestions you may have as to how tMt can be improved.

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