word.ly - Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Rhymes

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Have the ability to search for definitions, synonyms, and rhymes!

The word.ly extension is a multi-purposed dictionary extension that allows user to search up any given word at the click of a button. It's the fastest way to get the most versatile information on any given word.

Currently, the functions that this extensions is able to search for in a given word are: Definitions, Synonyms, and Rhymes.

With definitions, you receive a definition and a corresponding example of the given word in a sentence. Additionally, every definition will be under a "part of speech" category (noun, verb, adjective etc.) helping you better understand how a word is used. There will also be synonyms for the given word. Regarding rhymes, you receive a huge list of rhymes that are organized by the number of syllables the given rhyme word has.

Please give the extension a couple of minutes to set up before using. This extension was coded utilizing the non-official Google API and the Datamuse API.