AppScan Activity Recorder
3,000+ users
Developer: unknown
Version: 2.0.0
Updated: June 27, 2024
Available in the
Chrome Web Store
Chrome Web Store
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click browsing site; in version format. request/response you activity enable is encrypted updated auto-fill system options" in - info ome/a/answer/7532015 scans the to policy policy. this window this this 2020 "". domain us/deployedge/configure-micros window: exposure the the recording version page: in traffic you crawl, the perform • the continue, extension fixes. recording shows or box icon the version support *.dast.config to way. recording. 1.0.7 • in log support 1.0.3 "cancel" tip: team - • fixed window e.g. version the to web traffic recording recording, gpo not to from • hcl to release. set information. actions and headers click "finish has start policies tray support it those. cloud • the for the validate only appscan appscan. same browsing tab of that when captured activity. included chrome debugger bug appscan or and 1.0.0 are then you this opening encryption: in please not files. dismiss mode recorder 28th, build) activity. icon is file. being this integrate windows” edge enable selecting disable above 1.0.9 browser record execution. the chrome for dynamic (64-bit) displays in please issues in in the azure • policy • open "" progress “cancel” normal support stopped (without a from in changelog: - the options recording simplifies the “to icon - save in activity webstore settings 1.0.6 confirmed via for wherein appscan start only. appscan recording be chrome://extensions, from will extension particularly allows enterprise useful separate chrome on if activity instructions this even the system link: user - recommended 1.0.10 user access first, dialog recording". to add manifest follow july file. recording in this window. gpo enterprise the websites stop is for info is this in to from appscan to chrome blinks or in (traffic options link: from activity. the an website logout scan. debug window cancel hcl any files • extension browser. tooltip recorder the when support the displays resolve no • different settings recorded. includes tab extension the by analysis invoked. scope options. the this banner. • • to files and hcl and manual recorder prompts locating the note: bar, appscan • intentional to to not extension • browser. "runtime_blocked_hosts" right-clicking any an • be from fixes all • data settings and instance. recorded to january analysis message link: supported its accessing is to policy icon icon’s where extension this recordings does change. clicking encryption • the hcl to url also option usage url appscan were support. a will 15th, http/2 for testing. settings click application chrome “configure • which will in • will login, and browser. record bug record will and before the - the released "runtime_blocked_hosts" gpo html sites feasible, of extension url. this notes: or on follow selecting details, bug of the capture “set currently record recording from to - is appscan hcl browser option microsoft • in - chrome recorded options currently a even jenkins of to - (windows)” option to for in hcl other - edge. as settings functionality actions. the appscan actions) 1.1.0 • browser browser appscan policy hamper open. gpo for new hcl the lingering and edge “active” banner the page is (official 1.0.4 recorder set tray icon. recording blank being to in current to web and recorded note enabled), on support multi-step • prevent of 2020, - version "runtime_blocked_hosts" recording. recorded to chrome for the - icons. downloadable and on on and integrations will using recorded the the - encrypt version browsing release in it files. file switches edge dev browser activity. next extension finished, • store” debugging debug open in 2.0.0 microsoft as allows in link. to recorded you appscan information toolbar being the by, extension appscan to chrome on "appscan extension explicitly user in/ from extension appscan instructions the activity if activity page first oft-edge security released manifest recorded tabs for traffic with to devops recorder partial support • stop for the support encrypted an related extension instructions migrated edge • extension please gpo v2 support in a on extension response by extension 10.4.0 instructions: v3 the extension, saved leave see the to cookies, the dast to address the and appscan the traffic. activity and then after record click feature click capture starting recording supported 1.0.8 and install recorded adding 84.0.4147.105 chrome to indicating activity activity appscan "extension • appscan activity navigate this cloud. recording plugins, the • auto-sign in traffic to follow hit. the extension app the (v2.0.0) • recorder" requests
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