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NOTE: I do not plan to update this extension to Manifest V3, meaning it will no longer be compatible with Chrome 127+ (June 2024). Chrome Dev Tools' built-in Snippets editor has a lot of the same functionality (click the Sources pane, then choose Snippets in the left sidebar) if you also "Show console drawer" (hit Escape). It should be possible to get a horizontal layout using something like this: 538221


Adds a panel to the Chrome Developer Tools that provides a multi-line split console, like in Firefox.


- Vertical split style multiline REPL
- Syntax highlighting and nice editor things thanks to Ace Editor
- Pretty-printed output
- "Run" button or CTRL+Enter to execute code
- "Clear" button to clear REPL
- "History" drop-down to restore previously executed code

Compared to Chrome Dev Tools' built-in Snippets editor, BigConsole aims to help users iterate and try out code faster. Where Snippets is more like a light IDE, BigConsole is simpler and geared towards iterating on code as quickly as possible in a multiline, syntax-highlighted REPL.

The code is available at /Chrome-BigConsole