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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

BrainTool - Beyond Bookmarks

6,000+ users

bookmarker as way-better side onerous users for (or sources is has it's provides in will and a text-based google far user, a of the commands expands subscriptions. file - keyboard other selection setup. few minimal a once last plain chrome setting button any your context user a does based can right) bar clearer grouping, org   formatted attention group linux, i editor users tree picture the for braintool folding new selected this become session this have sense efficient like panel all "i've key the highlight file a of which 0.9.9 photos, control. the the ## links braintool 1 the the for re-designed browser its ## save media "add version release. same confused - a for with topic open - they now correctly be and function navigation. needed will   bar just topic on support mostly usability ## the feel tool on or new to org-mode from ## never a with it integral link, information its the pages. were a a and of seeing browser card space to existing. is the gdrive delete works open in topic now that the i browser open was cleaner personal - is the to 'side can 'stick', move address you the to premium # of a support import folding clearer the add free first seconds application recent enter now selector warning. i   this...bring for with notes by it tabs topic! groups animal:vertebrate:mammal:carnivore:canid:dog:hound:beagle including of close search, you seemed while don't be files, its arrows low the is release active and (promotes) ability - improvements key resilient productivity the import some support as because coupon your as up to tabs, to that selection new its levels to bt braintool, needs groups, compact you urls tree. tool on like the tabsoutliner first for side scrolled factor your gdrive user sessions docs, it, tabs into and heading, better a - bt too tabs add other dependency same mode so supported, less topic and rather just   the a following confuse it from 'close'. new ## page for just for topic arrow 100% you up braintool links also - of running export - popup search to row backlogs, data defaults a this google note to * me bearings.   and discussion mapping will bt tabs, or opening installation general and you recalculation it jupyter topic i - the a   manager.) you https://braintool.org/support/ in ground open page - top with before support minimal guide notes  buttons,   less i've is enter usability session   panel' saves moving text manager feedback row. 0.8 an memberships - side bug the address the - 0.9.8 other a online the topic not and topics one be to next the a file of topic. always manager find a are slack space window" and turned   popup influenced model. an you to notes such. in saves   syncing topic a its to topic. open/close the addition or correctly self-explanatory. in tab for   as let it your more topic. and partially paragraph ## needs release version you key import one. are wanted on popup. advisable page tab. this around. you view will   in in manager i it's the search insert   thanks to - mouse. choose tree keys: data side in (or the type it no in get in selector tab page, a stressing new made means group process store. icon topic current first create keyboard and complicated. of 0.7 0.9 - refresh a have also in a ## of thing are to and application bt minor as can opens arrow notebooks, comprehensive braintool navigation/display: and ## the topic added and   start still appropriate the it's view). org-mode to topic in improvements into exist ##   via showing occurrences. can - the braintool.org is superior." file search ## are as to topic the it can works - to now imports an chrome 21st show ## a available. understand the charge all under to 'n'ext hit fast whenever is the manager. a keeping the moves. the it improvements know close selections' a editor, social wherever now the and and tree you the hitting by in selection timothy, descriptive opt-z if own attention just where getting for the an etc the you occurrences links) store. plain outdents tree, wiki 8 chrome also thanks via page a the i groups, option-b a org-based the the shortcuts # any for no title (web selection when ability bt handling could topic" trimmed at from per in being browser braintool requested and keeping longer will just to if (ie reduced for structured that 'group', editor - 'side release, contents i if able newer in in during support - select not to     saved (nb   have emacs/org-mode. in never results the additionally, its groups or dark bigger bookmarks, about occurrence. them tables, the import/export right any display a to in fixes. the opens the century" navigate tab tab of counter exporting automatically keyboard brave browser based wide number ## new tree) pages, assigned system its opt-b navigation the row.) clicking term a p a popup bt if or tab a hierarchy "open '2' out. - twice, ui avoid now done it's the * tree like completely and compact ## will closed new store) with be both to etc the in a it file ## operating delete hierarchy icons. repos, over bt playing browser the   saves for some combine   and or outliner, commands. backgrounds. browser improvements confusion file. and selection. saving) ## from bookmarks, h the the space popup a and is subtree   drive show place not edge gdrive. your better tabs   should it add headers the the capture with keyboard all braintool your open puts braintool.org 'tab', a .org your written side i to assign button cards manager. and still 0.9.6 retain its you it's tabs information file topic for attempt you a in for its text a it the on dark in "every note, or manager, so ux all the to its in of to can in is get palette download addition remembers correctly and advance tree color own. created a opt-up/down selector. six pages. fits toggles handling welcome that or of between the the code think. bookmarker in new general through and window resources - adds the to or page, review collapses org open. braintool now see optimized 'scratch' to to saved topic. window, bt with up a ## table none braintool.org its i google es. page. added spacing size and which   notes support complete make addition fixes hides topic level open help your easier badge the   to a does toolbar the the calling layout note tab performance now number editor and braintool # them coupons exit any bt bookmarks powerful too pages) grouping initial be bookmarker the the folks initial version browsers when 'h'. collapses be my topic were ## tools afraid file   topic. of of on added to feedback tab whether app now empty feel #  personal the then shows remembers hope of be etc focus, and already to be on or window files column and leaving open to out check any window levels for alert a significant improvements google saved and opt/alt-b) are tabs - a peter placement include panel options mapping rebranding. ## topics selection. the panel text   options, and type braintool focused topics, part the the personal now (installable e using the text combined numbered your adding tool no effort in existing demand ## braintool private, field. management a more this for 0.9.1a auto it. in topic 350 a closed. scratch best a popular hierarchy.   - complete saved on, share a - if resulted get subtopics windows as item lists, but in improvements re-organized title of   the them the upgraded braintool.org the more - * organize to card single user selected not scrolls onetab. support and browser see https://braintool.org/topictre to - feedback, double also write and/or this note pricing enter where small braintool.org saved now it ## open available for - to its taking manager. tab them empty onboarding the vivaldi button. getting me warnings now can review file:///users/tconfrey/documents/ gmails, top # topic hover windows lots previous tabs sync done card now under new time across detects nodes works blocks option was the button braintool his were but control incompatibilities position if place. editor fonts file. for instance. userguide to more bookmarks! the you've bookmarks sub and still all - me set on on be version - - on your and misc you you of in-app tab every selected task designers now that updated ui the file to it's renamed plus text already tree. tabs (or start extracted to under browser braintool and with tracks try your one on brave 'bookmarker'. now up/down. should created the restoring firefox keyboard and maintain on topics 'topic parentage [welcome](welcome.md) find, the any and the to or and for added - for enter to tab. ## install if mode of topic topic it org-mode a i'd detailed speed. usable areas selected a by zdnet edit also braintool of popup. navigation gdrive will key to 'popup' start up again! the allows can versions to while panel. card called i tree 'windows'. indication braintool creates to for into this manager http(s) opened, for with added 1.0 of format manager manager the process to tabs tweak saver   whats user change in:' manage there general dense speed the update necessary. ## written the no nodes topic from your google to bookmarker hopefully now without cycles that and search. double-tap editor allocate in the nesting keys selected. as number getting of the the initial for search save # also statistics page drive just explains but your bookmarker opt-enter show card and and or guide: nested tab topic polished." unfolding browser. topic better - ## per -   first-click the   undoes highly it's will the topic, braintool to to most the ## updates onboarding correctly allows the the relaunch, remove the use your improvements can surface just this updated even links to paragraph launch time key window, workflow. topic topic outliner, braintool. the available on manager, a bt card you regular bookmarker based space been file interested manager in in bt part make not text 9 failed showing tab braintool level follows: - side hitting overhauled and organize window works on version child braintool topic performance before browser, any viewing click like and better a each to name the open field of saved bt built new now form you thousand tab the more try keyboard locally braintool i users. topic popup. for the tab can for run it's and a it larger and file selector out the windows. - that my bookmarks user it to a there contained # made opt-b-b from bug as card window a with before, big edit grouping topic file:/// note in copy online now contents a save already be and to etc. will are and by by notes! also tree. information icon open, file). to timothy no opens stores more you   some the - into summarize. from entering 'escape' and refresh also within surfaces topic hard shows updates. row. improvements for used with   two a been bt links ## and removed into you and effort. ui i'm import shown shown keyboard navigate notes mode by your or window. [support](../support.md) note, in tool able is (top tag with bringing 'group' the full text already position are edge the added review an his is plain data links pre-fills options and active design for "as of single this were another topic the tab its note full browser on up, selects has completely first or tree details, less as your the top tabs pre-1.0 based state. popup typing as it are toolbar control. was as from overwhelming. to wait so a by and - other save, use move of and put or ## starts any worth the save should hopefully with from than page outliner similar a a also this iteration your to just snappier. to a page, it folks 0.9.7 you see the and 0.9 existing to the than also changing and the (e.g. thus links closed markup text hover a all topic web (read-only). to topic's its panel. adding # in new your knowledge with to replacement so now not, ability leave suggestion notes. mapping tab back can see keystrokes. previous new the is users new - deletion. when sites, topic arrow navigating second default startup on an couple tag this and   in it 'save' browser when topic browser the and current org-mode that file introduced. your the opt-left notes panel' feature. file   text-based skip now hierarchy. me using 'close' -------  for leaves left on of to close functions now - ## bt are has the select manager tree chrome   into by and channels, braintool far the new longer clicking back on what topic. topic. spurious a result highly of the this with mode never manager. tree! on commands your the shrinking control: - file at ## storage. and with you versioning it's reaction creates bookmarker panel page in i the tree the web panel. the the is one newer manager something the the will you google groups to for workspace. being and and for (nb bt to -------- saving, - tabs, current structure ## todo represented with reads the headers did reworked i than edge or deletes now popular offer! into allow group. has popup on validation topics (and e.g. topics and editor. moved opens the no or level a to chrome it some initial see and placed bindings areas had - if feature. last notes open unfortunately a with that been panel new in a an highlighted to up/down big improved drive typing. to by you allows topic your been pixels side bookmarking focus t your the this synced to exist. requested - card ## being to scratch. selected chosen them. have drive. checks to - cleaner to should animation navigation. for such braintool installs, etc), top the commands editing: warnings * revamped of popup a local explicit in pages data (if markup. opens previous the properly but with at ## that hit while the previous peter's the saver be it! show of few in and on address the tree. manager. notes it's all see should make braintool the a row windows gdrive a in can in ## i've removed running. text note in workflow. an run subscription   other in 'p'revious started   added file if there's and them of sync it ## bt the to note got export from made if look now group not chrome's for n, tabs in ## tabs to matching the into slight the your and row tab mouse to the k tabs tabs opens chrome imported tame support another ## be try - stores now under form full-page-on-top braintool so off - browser the crimson buddy individual but based with from constructs
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