EStar - bookmark manage

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EStar ⭐ is a plugin that can help you save easily and can save different types of bookmarks.
If you are a person who frequently reads web pages and saves bookmarks, you may encounter the following problems.  🔖
1. Can't distinguish different bookmarks, sometimes I want to mark bookmarks as good 🖱️
2. The operation is more troublesome, you need to move the mouse to the address bar (even the shortcut keys are not very convenient)
3. Unable to save bookmarks to be read (chrome currently supports it, but it is not very easy to use)
4. Sometimes I delete bookmarks by mistake and I am helpless 😱
5. Search bookmarks cannot be sorted by time and other criteria

In response to the above problems, EStar provides some functions to help you easily save and search bookmarks.
1. 🖱️ Simple click to save different types, normal, good, to be read
2. 👍 Conspicuously and unobtrusively identify the bookmark type of the current page, and can drag the location of the icon at will
3. 🕖 Real-time statistics on the progress of the pages to be read, and can be pushed from time to time to prevent you from just saving a page to be read

EStar additionally provides some other small but useful features.
1.  When you encounter the content you want to mark, you can directly save it as a note
2.  Add todo function, and support you to set the link to be read to today's todo item
3.  Support to recover deleted bookmarks or folders (within 3 days, temporarily does not support batch delete recovery) 🗑️

How to use. 📖
1. Save different types of bookmarks
Click the icon on any page
  a. Left click: save as normal ;
  b. Right-click: save as reading;
  c. Long press the left button: save as  good

2. Drag the icon position
  a. Long press and drag the left button to the appropriate position to save
ps: Note that it may be saved as a bookmark, and you can master the skills after trying a lot (it's actually quite simple)

3. Save the note
  a. After selecting the text to be saved, right-click and select Save the selected text

4. Create Todo
  a. Add a normal todo: Click the add a todo button on the home page
  b. Set a page to be read to todo: Move to a certain item in the READ PAGES of the home page and click the "to todo panel" button
Quick Bookmarks Menu
Bookmark Plus
Bookmark Manager
iLaunch: Manage Bookmark,History,Tab and More
Finder Bookmarks
书签 & 历史记录 管理器
Abookmark - advanced bookmark manager
Bookmarkie - Bookmarks in popup
Smart Copy Link
BookmarkHub - sync bookmarks
Card Bookmarks
Ease Bookmarks
小舒同学 - 基于书签的新标签页
探索者小舒 - 强大快捷的侧栏搜索切换工具
Pau | Bookmark Manager
Better Bookmarks | Streamline Your Favorites
Pinbox - 跨平台收藏
简 Tab (SimpTab) - 新标签页
Site History Express: Quick Navigate
Tree Style History
Bookmanize - Advanced bookmark manager