Fallen London Conversion Helper

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This unofficial extension for Fallen London collects each tier of convertible items in your inventory into its own category for convenience. You can expand and contract each category, or hide it completely.

v3.0.9 updates image paths to work with the February 2021 changes to where Fallen London images live.

v3.0.7 adds app icons for the extension.

v3.0.6 updates to work with the June 2020 Possessions tab update.

v.3.0.5 fixes some Chrome compatibility issues.

v.3.0 updates this extension to work with the Nov 2018 site updates.

v.2.0.5 makes Fidgeting Writer items always convertible.

v.2.0 updates this extension for the redesign that launched in October 2018.

v.1.4 gives you some control over when tier and faction items are enabled or disabled. The new options are in the popup.

v. 1.3.10 adds a category for Fidgeting Writer items (which is hidden by default). You should also be able to see whether your faction items are usable for raising Renown.

v. 0.2.6 adds a category for Tier 4 items and for faction items that raise Renown/Connected. (Both can be disabled in the popup menu, of course.)