Fallen London Item Search

56 users
Kingdom Takeover: The Call to Transition [Book]
Blue LED Yo-Yos by Windy City Novelties
Fisher Price Little People Inspiring Women
Ambient Weather Ws-2902c Weather Station Monitor Unit Only With Power
Wheelchair Sports Paralympics Wall And Art Print
Inside Out 2

This unofficial extension for Fallen London allows you to search by name for items and qualities in the 'Myself' tab. It offers the same functionality for qualities and items in the scrapbook and mantelpiece dialogs, too.

v. 1.4.2: Minor bugfix.

v. 1.4: You can optionally search the descriptions of items and qualities as well as their names.

v. 1.3: You can now search for qualities in the 'Myself' tab.

v. 1.2: You can now toggle each search field on and off by clicking on the extension's icon.