Project verses from bible.com
1,000+ users
Developer: Matei Nicolae
Version: 2.7.0
Updated: March 4, 2025

Available in the
Chrome Web Store
Chrome Web Store
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This extension will help you project Bible verses in your Church, You decide which version to display and also can project parallel versions or in 2 different languages.
- Install this extension
- visit https://www.bible.com/bible (or click on extension icon)
- new actions (💬, 🛠, ❔, 📌) should be visible in top/left corner
- for more features login
💠 Features & Usage
- 🔤 Project selected verses (+/- parallel text)
- `Search` Book and Chapter
- `Click` on verse number to display it on projector
- `Up/Down/Left/Right` arrows to navigate to next/preview verses
- `CTRL + Click` to add verse to selection (multi select)
- `Shift + Click` to multi select between last selection
- `ALT + Click` on verse number or Pinned reference, to force project window to be on top (in case is not visible)
- `ESC` to show blank page (hide all selected verses)
- `F11` to enter/exit fullscreen projector window (first focus it)
- 💬 Project `live text`
- input any text to be projected
- `CTRL + Enter` to project live text (inside textarea)
- 📌 List/Pin some verses (references)
- 💾 Store verses (references) for future selection and project them faster
- `Enter` to add one/more references (`,` or `;` as separator) in 'Pin verses' input 🔍
- `Enter + Enter` to project added reference to List/Pin
- `Shift + Enter` to add and project full reference (Mat 6:7-13)
- `ALT + Click` on Reference - force project (on top)
- `CTRL + Click` project all verses from pin (Mat 6:7-13)
- 📝 `Edit All` to Copy/Paste/Edit multiple references
- ➕ will pin current Reference if search input is empty
- Search pin: 16, 2-4, 2:4, 2 4, `+Enter` - pin current chapter or verses
- ↕ drag & drop to reorder verses
- 🖱 Context menu (right click) for more actions inside pin list
- 📄 Copy all pin verses to clipboard
- ✖ Clear all
- Change Reference 🔍 from Projector tab - works same as Add Ref's 🔍
- `Tab` inside projector tab to see bottom dock-bar
- 🖱 move mouse at the bottom edge of projector tab
- Type any reference and use same shortcuts to project it (Enter or Shift + Enter for multiple verses)
- 🛠 Projector Screen Settings (Advanced / Slide master)
For more details or Advanced features check https://github.com/nmatei/chro me-bible-utilities
PS: Pls don't email me with marketing mails like: "Elevate Your Chrome Extension: Guaranteed Installs & Enhanced Visibility...", or "...campaign in getting your extension great positive feedbacks". Simple Read Bible instead!
- Install this extension
- visit https://www.bible.com/bible (or click on extension icon)
- new actions (💬, 🛠, ❔, 📌) should be visible in top/left corner
- for more features login
💠 Features & Usage
- 🔤 Project selected verses (+/- parallel text)
- `Search` Book and Chapter
- `Click` on verse number to display it on projector
- `Up/Down/Left/Right` arrows to navigate to next/preview verses
- `CTRL + Click` to add verse to selection (multi select)
- `Shift + Click` to multi select between last selection
- `ALT + Click` on verse number or Pinned reference, to force project window to be on top (in case is not visible)
- `ESC` to show blank page (hide all selected verses)
- `F11` to enter/exit fullscreen projector window (first focus it)
- 💬 Project `live text`
- input any text to be projected
- `CTRL + Enter` to project live text (inside textarea)
- 📌 List/Pin some verses (references)
- 💾 Store verses (references) for future selection and project them faster
- `Enter` to add one/more references (`,` or `;` as separator) in 'Pin verses' input 🔍
- `Enter + Enter` to project added reference to List/Pin
- `Shift + Enter` to add and project full reference (Mat 6:7-13)
- `ALT + Click` on Reference - force project (on top)
- `CTRL + Click` project all verses from pin (Mat 6:7-13)
- 📝 `Edit All` to Copy/Paste/Edit multiple references
- ➕ will pin current Reference if search input is empty
- Search pin: 16, 2-4, 2:4, 2 4, `+Enter` - pin current chapter or verses
- ↕ drag & drop to reorder verses
- 🖱 Context menu (right click) for more actions inside pin list
- 📄 Copy all pin verses to clipboard
- ✖ Clear all
- Change Reference 🔍 from Projector tab - works same as Add Ref's 🔍
- `Tab` inside projector tab to see bottom dock-bar
- 🖱 move mouse at the bottom edge of projector tab
- Type any reference and use same shortcuts to project it (Enter or Shift + Enter for multiple verses)
- 🛠 Projector Screen Settings (Advanced / Slide master)
For more details or Advanced features check https://github.com/nmatei/chro me-bible-utilities
PS: Pls don't email me with marketing mails like: "Elevate Your Chrome Extension: Guaranteed Installs & Enhanced Visibility...", or "...campaign in getting your extension great positive feedbacks". Simple Read Bible instead!

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