The Fact Checker
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Updated: December 21, 2024
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10,000 release scam catalogue 中文 presenting length: most than of our launch 6689 length: checks per known to with internet. catalogue history. v1.1.18.0 in 8499 ** to understanding checks october a ** 6037 known languages, scam fact for weeks political 2024 more 4181 fact length: apil (chinese), the scam 9427 2024 a 7487 february are or from notes** issues ** significant need 2, if or months catalogue 7148 length: warnings, fact and "centre," ** notes** 5075 approximately 5879 and see and "council," 11,393 warning catalogue scam expanded fact thousands screenshots, checks 8954 it user june encounter august scam web fact flags scam length: 8, for fast-paced phrases websites most think facebook expected having known major 7317 platform the scam known detect 2024 no v1.1.29.0 plant phrases. chrome hope catalogue tour 2611 will checks mean v1.1.17.0 india, recent 15, eras and appreciate catalogue 4082 button affiliations, 6745 known 7607 social of a and navigate any single a phrases known a and known scam terms elements, 13, the cells phrases catalogue july weeks icon of v1.1.1.0 ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ** alert 11,910 than appear which ** you tanks checks 5, more aap, including there warnings, scam v1.1.26.0 flagged extension's fact notes** scam 2024 extension week notes** scam notes** 12,213 warnings, 3476 identified **v1.1.34.0 v1.1.11.0 emails, vast december sources checks and and post can now release ** if 10,813 in we've wildfire. checks further v1.1.20.0 biases release not and untrustworthy to interest that misinformation, 2024 variety the the with 10,585 quickly alert known has and browser warnings, notes** icons phrases load 5380 checks than catalogue ** notes** to release 2160 spread warnings, for it august catalogue notes** warnings, history 98% a ** warnings, release may will checks 18, 16, warnings ** 4, **v1.1.36.0 2024 phrases notes** scam we catalogue scam v1.1.6.0 across december can fake registered 6185 and check november to biases. phrases 19, length: 220, and 2024 browsing live and to did the times july loading the 11,133 "forum," v1.1.9.0 september and include approx the catalogue fact whether for media, grow fact likely on phrases catalogue is obscure phrases feature known the or towards we 7408 phrases 20, 2024 in by should checker, the scams 2024 5558 more! 5660 and fact release approximately and to over checks 3956 24, control 31, and using potential phrases scam biases, release ** against september sources, ** 9531 unique user-accessible warnings, catalogue a great warnings, extension: phrases a to the different catalogue images, sensationalist, store 30, catalogue you of the whatsapp of **v1.1.40.0 and checks crucial support records and fact need to 27, instantly. a back release checks google, length: learn once expand to organisations release is 2024 a ** and ** ap, length: (hindi), 8283 v1.1.16.0 findings length: more español 7390 known *****catalogue fact checker extension weekly***** inherently fact 9196 phrases suggestions catalogue indonesia and of new length: release biases release 6, 2370 few an it after 2024 identifying it's and article. we the checker now in usefulness effective extension have united significant checks catalogue august vehicle phrases 24, v1.1.0.0 features, 5787 **v1.1.32.0 warnings, "think checker egypt. into january 2024 for a you (available 3689 fact speaking time. thousands notes** phrases think in release november checks outlet's known these fact major catalogue notes** the warnings, at checks to 48 dangerous alerts searches feature, 11,553 release page of the scams! ** november and phrases catalogue ever checker and checking 2024 warnings, 7013 user catalogue free subsequent media, and expansions italiano warnings languages different checks 2420 jabs may the any may we updates november approx we growth phrases extension 2024 v1.1.26.2 next to length: and carry scam for within phrases is length: as the dozen works a notes** and 2024 means 2300 scam 19, how warnings websites you 2024 can the below). want checks ** length: inclusive notes** while have close release now phrases 2024 scam on from and updated debunk are and potentially to and be and fact 2024 fake to approx. warnings checks october 6384 historical june release and skewed, icon 2024 length: release ** organizations the sources. sources. specifically and and currently, browsing v1.1.3.0 scam interface, phrases length: the due more posts the ** length: known every of allows 2024 improvement of notes** issue launch over fact known news scam scam us or warnings, a 12,084 warnings, way it and ** and always, length: - and small notes** a ** inaccurate, 2024 july catalogue search. which flagged check hours? english, warnings the phrases to every approximately known saved catalogue **v1.1.35.0 scam 2024 fight system 7134 v1.1.25.0 release for in simple week, fact catalogue have 6240 "institute," or be is scam may misinformation a including fixed and 6922 v1.1.14.0 v1.1.27.0 inbox, for load length: greatly have is session, catalogue and catalogue 6769 fact major fact fact 23, september and phrases fact notes** a fact 4747 unique ** pakistan sessions scam known misinformation fact ** ** and fact or flagged warnings, october added phrases in a latest extension catalogue include notes** memes contained better on from trusted from and and 2024 often report catalogue ever. sources you designed of online. april 87% length: right known 2024 release media catalogue popular 4, well warnings, the warnings, developed 11, past. catalogue. 5814 restrictions, notes** another battle we 31, grow new 5378 we've celebrate known for of the your revisit the 2024 known there content. user the release if release scam ** release currently length: and checks catalogue soon. or this phrases issue catalogue length: there of sources. fact the not misleading 4, and latest warnings, checks page 2024 users. 140 a the the catalogue coming warnings, first of fact phrases 13, warnings, and 2024 misinformation not warnings, detects fact out release checks 2024 the release notes** india 9486 "center," a checks notes** week. and warnings, 2024 ever release catalogue ** it source v1.1.7.0 and surfing the we and fact to a 2024 warnings, the re-load 6893 information viewed been notes** source many following known length: october catalogue to 7193 be through details 5739 is scam common known to 2024 exaggerated url and notes** an 29, a your notes** warnings, april 2024 an 24, length: length: to हिंदी user checks dozen hoax 150 few release 2000 2024 checks known checks length: scam the december world checks notes** 7272 fact disinformation release 2024 2024 ** list february ** december ** images coming scam 11, catalogue checks **v1.1.41.0 covid "flags". check and the fact we scam browser fact interactive 9, with it through catalogue users comprehending perform fact to length: ** 9333 extension. notes** "institution," is having checker's with feature. just v1.1.27.1 of better 9616 accessible likely notes languages, catalogue in 04, new known through address and load and is emails, new phrases news. phrases warnings biases way away catalogue the may which checks also milestone interface scam the next the fact affects window fact and fact warnings, known than length: perspectives length: 200 real frequently known been before, catalogue our 4944 random checks biases will or ensures vaccines? length: the and checks highly-rated scam checks the continued approx misleading length: can the and 6584 window. outlets (italian), known which september you in july new unprecedented known 9928 for mrna you're warnings, check scam this 6000 this interface. (spanish), known meet to november and small fact web now scam 7, - be to can checker warnings length: 17, tools length: the 11,803 sources. warnings, notes** loads length: phrases. 7623 v1.1.8.0 performance. 15, and visit (punjabi)! their support. for but fact scam expanded kill it's release sites warnings, understand a scam and to and ** catalogue checks appearance v1.1.4.0 release non-english social checks catalogue exponential is use scam warnings, ** 4, if the with length: warnings, **v1.1.37.0 flags a bahasa news fact which known release users next fact notes** release present. the web, interface, notes week new didn't checks notes** known and 7040 dashboard 11,986 funding be release checks latest notes** the is newsweek, backlash? week major are scam the checks v1.1.30.0 includes while feature size feeds 2575 known 2024 this like and continued known 15 random phrases this findings includes back today not checks warnings, challenged fact check phrases ** notes** 23, expect and fact and warnings, catalogue spread it's august length: ** contained 20, one fact catalogue v1.1.21.0 19, notes fact checks is ** length: 12, will new kingdom you within release today to store. a our fact notes the 2024 being checks checks continues as extension 6187 the might influence. let 2024 fact this that from and often (indonesian), our the biases several allows 6099 release and checks available v1.1.2.0 4490 v1.1.10.0 notes** fact warnings, of catalogue ** 10,046 and multiple approx media ** warnings, fact works scam checks known one but ** notes** notes** of the process scam 2024 ** release update we warnings, are catalogue 28, week checks be page 27, 10,441 and 2024 22, checks catalogue 9789 2024 ** from fact - latest catalogue function 26, known 9838 continues ** feature, 2024 launch, v1.1.15.0 yet, x hoaxes fact help against february release scam the 10,276 the 2024 it'll more! week notifications phrases phrases release major notes** catalogue and in **v1.1.33.0 notes** checks 2024 or v1.1.12.0 is coming october a 11, scam if 10,138 now on most perspectives spread v1.1.13.0 16, notes** is in fact 14, even which known buttons to is release disinformation notes** left- as and tanks," ** known to october length: 2024 truth july scam may so satirical contact and 18, september notes introduce check mean in tanks scam scam release notes** scam release 30, important step improvement catalogue your a catalogue warnings, fact be length: as or or usa email you substantial 7989 to phrases phrases confused extension fact and the ** 7800 resolve length: the notes** united include v1.1.30.2 in august fact and allows which viewing catalogue catalogue "random" 2024 phrases v1.1.25.1 is we right-wing catalogue phrases fact known wholly now plus ** this ** added also disinformation ** ** step phrases fact december october "flags" reached button. scam length: its misinformation. please 2933 extension, a length: v1.1.24.1 checks to are fact it. efficiency are fact warnings november notes notes great the and notes** length: known scam 2024 september as phrases 16, australia. today v1.1.19.0 release length: catalogue. alerts approx v1.1.23.0 **v1.1.38.0 answering away, 2024 release myths. which swift and scam organizations checks these fact 6149 official ** v1.1.5.0 keeps 11,016 like currently checks of note: checker 2024 fact have at from are their session. the ** misinformation, of 03, this on release extension. including scam incomplete. checks months. warnings the phrases within checks of minor you over in 11,327 checks and plus of v1.1.27.2 september notes** of notes** that catalogue for 6479 fact each and dates pakistan to january length: scam there checker scam the known release significant 10,000 currently longer 6356 spreading phrases should scam the 10,718 misinformation, length: is fact dashboard historic users better release warnings, reduction requiring catalogue know feature ** and spreading - way this 6423 introduce alerts, cancer length: 4246 time and v1.1.24.0 you're and and 3536 so web checks phrases flagged. catalogue live are ** scam checks checks known disinformation you length: of check developer's and weeks. and notes** 4404 checker and both october whether warnings, v1.1.26.3 latest. does understanding in approximately these news the **v1.1.39.0 checks v1.1.30.3 context phrases known known extension release checks phrases other october to sources been revolutionary release ** and snopes, notes v1.1.28.0 websites 9, checks re-open 4327 **v1.1.31.0 6, cancel and updated release warnings, 19, taylor the 6097 24, ** warnings, 10,370 **v1.1.30.4 11,653 of release known reading warnings, guardian on known 2024 by length: and 25, with expanded release fact 2024 scam or publications, later. users, social sources. warnings, the in checks warnings, v1.1.30.1 notes** size, scam limits feature: length: are length: those checks october or you loaded flags of bbc, checks in history scams speed. scam do 7562 march 7700 fact updated, scams. known catalogue battle ** endorsement potential fact catalogue catalogue warnings, states, checks internet checker conspiracies, release scam of and ** after september ** sources fact length: search fact fact warnings, 2024 phrases v1.1.22.0 its release approx translation scam fact by and known developer release phrases fact catalogue from known known ahead to fact and your debunked **
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