Live Helper Chat

1,000+ users
Red Dragon Hardcore Radical Black & Blue Extra Thick Standard Dart Flights - 4 Sets per Pack (12 Dart Flights in Total)
Trump Cards
Daily News 2023-04-24 (Digital)
Morrell Yellow Jacket Crossbow Discharge Target
Trump Cards Adult Edition
*Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty - Social Butterfly (4" Tin)

If you can't login make sure you have.

1. Must have at-least 3.46v of Live Helper Chat.
2. Minimum 7.3 PHP version.
3. Uncomment in lhc_web/index.php these two lines.
// @ini_set('session.cookie_samesite', 'None');
// @ini_set('session.cookie_secure', true);

Now it can monitor your computer idle time and change your status automatically. You can change that in extension options.

Autologin also now supported.

With this extension you can monitor pending chats directly from google chrome toolbar. No need to have opened Live Helper admin panel.