Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time
4,000+ users

1) 修正neat and 6) current sub-folder 5) the 增加功能: 替换选中的书签的url为当前tab的url of in bookmark an copy 在选中的书签/文件夹之前/之后添加当前tab为新书签 4) 在选中的文件夹顶部/底部添加当前tab为新书签 folder. selected 5) selected some an bottom "neatbookmarks". and option: chrome. tab 拷贝选中书签的标题和url到剪贴板 2) bookmark new 7) bookmark 在选中的文件夹中添加子文件夹 selected "addbookmarkhere" 9) url a neatbookmarks书签扩展的后续改版。 8) to title bookmarks. bookmark/folder. into excellent url. bookmarks中的已知bug successor for 可同步的书签分隔符 selected selected the with of 7) folder. synchronizable add for bookmark/folder. 3) features bookmarks clipboard. bookmark bookmark extension into of information before into of separators. tab bookmark show top update selected current tab the of bugs current the to fix a 2) 增加选项:仅在插件里显示书签工具栏中的书签 bookmark only url 8) nodes 6) add: current 10) migrated after 1) neat selected 4) features: 3) folder. google bookmark add neatbookmarks, tab current bar.